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孟雨婷, 张卫荣, 汪娟, 蒋大程, 邱念伟. 靳聪聪, 侯名语, 潘延云. 王忠妮, 李鲁华, 徐如宏, 任明见. 康美玲, 冯凯, 段希, 王柯文, 王枫, 熊爱生. 李真真, 武佩琪, 程亚雄, 宋红霞, 李梅兰, 侯雷平. 邹婷, 黄婉茹, 莫爱琼. 彭玲, 于波, 陈倩, 葛顺峰. 颜亚丹, 谭晓风, 何超银, 杨睿.
National Center of Molecular Characterization for Genetically Modified organism. 聽聽聽聽聽 鍥藉 杞 熀鍥犵敓鐗 垎瀛愮壒寰侀獙璇佹祴璇曚腑蹇? 009骞翠笂娴蜂氦閫氬ぇ瀛 幏鍥藉 鈥滆浆鍩哄洜鐢熺墿鏂板搧绉嶅煿鑲测 濋噸澶т笓椤规壒鍑嗗苟璧勫姪寤鸿 锛屸 滀腑蹇冣 濇槸闅跺睘浜庝笂娴蜂氦閫氬ぇ瀛 殑鐮旂 鍜屾湇鍔 ф満鏋勩 傛棬鍦ㄥ缓璁炬垚鍥介檯涓 娴佺殑杞 熀鍥犵敓鐗 垎瀛愮壒寰佹 娴嬪拰楠岃瘉涓 績锛岀珛瓒充笂娴枫 佹湇鍔 叏鍥斤紝涓烘垜鍥借浆鍩哄洜鐢熺墿鐮斿彂銆佸畨鍏ㄧ洃绠 拰娑堣垂绛夋彁渚涙妧鏈 敮鎾戯紝淇冭繘鎴戝浗杞 熀鍥犵敓鐗 骇涓氱殑鍋ュ悍鍜屽彲鎸佺画鍙戝睍銆? 鐢熷懡绉戝 鎶 鏈 闄? .
Department of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities. Understanding and Modeling the Brain. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience; Infant and Child Speech Perception; Bilingualism; Second Language Acquisition; Autism; Hearing Loss.
Recruiters from CIA will present information about the wide variety of full time and student internship opportunities at CIA. Student interns are for Summer 2012. Qualification requirements and the applications process will be discussed.